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Resolving my Ideas

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When approaching my resolved final piece, I had several elements to use. My overarching question 'How does Art carry a message in the media?' has been answered to an extent. I have researched into Morten's Caricatures, and Neshat's deeply impactful photographs and films about her home country and freedom. Some of the most successful work came from Anzeri, an artist who works with thread over old photographs, and brings life into otherwise stationary, forgotten work. So to bring all of this together, I thought it better to complete several smaller pieces because of the several elements I have investigated.

I knew immediately that I wanted some photographic elements in my work, and I had several family photographs.





So, I created the piece on the left to work out what colours I associate with each of my family, and how they could bleed into each other. A yellowy/ green for my dad turning green for my brother, blue into purple for my mother and sister.

I thought putting colours on top of family was similar to Anzeri, and realised that for my final piece I should include sewing over the top of my edited Billingham photographs. Below is an example of what I could create, but with pen. 

So in my exam I will create six different pictures and stick it on some mount board, bringing together several elements from my unit. All pictures will be from my primary source photos before, with an aged filter. One will be sewing straight lines of different colours over my mum's outstretched hand like the picture above. this is to represent her providing food (i.e. scones) for the family. One will be a single line drawing of my brother, replacing the newspaper with a cartoon one, and tearing my brother from a photo ad sticking it back together, as he has just left for uni. The final two will include tying two halves of a photo together and sewing over the faces of each of my family, in a similar style to Anzeri.

This worked well aesthetically and also brought together a lot of the ideas I had previously investigated. However, I also wanted to include some actual drawn caricatures and faces. 

The single line drawing I did earlier worked well, and would fit in the time constraint of the exam sewing takes a lot of time.

On this page there are 2 quick experiments I carried out to see whether it was better to Tipex over or cut out elements of the picture. I discovered it was very difficult to draw over Tipex, so this was not a good idea for my resolved piece. 

final piece eheh.jpg
look at that thread practice.jpg

On the left is a quick composition design. As you can see, I initially thought about putting the mount board portrait before realising most of the pictures I was using were landscape.


The outcome is below.


Overall, I thought it was a good reflection of all I had covered so far, and helped answer my question. The different ways Anzeri, Morland, and Billingham present their message and ideas are included in my final piece, as well as adding my own ideas and symbolism.

Please zoom in at your leisure:

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